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Wiremesh Fence Syamsudin Noor Airport Extended Until 2500 Meter

22 Jul 2016

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Banjarbaru - Security at the airport environment, especially in the air side has become a priority of Syamsudin Noor Airport Management. One effort to meet those commitments now the Syamsudin Noor Airport was carrying out extension work of wiremesh fence located along Jalan Ahmad Yani Banjarbaru and perimeter. Double fencing was installed along 2500 meter to improve the security and as anticipation of disturbances coming from outside the airport.

“To improve the security, this year there is a job of investment of wiremesh fence which reached nearly 8 billion rupiah. This is a continuation program in 2015 in which the fence along 1800 meters has been installed.” said General Manager, Handy Heryudhitiawan.

“Installation of this wiremesh fence is to improve security because as we all know that the distance of apron and the existing fence bordered by the highway far too close.” said Handy Heryudhitiawan.

The continued investment work has been started since July 2016 and is targeted to be completed by December 2016. In addition to the extension of the wiremesh fence, Syamsudin Noor Airport also will add 11 units of CCTV in the perimeter area to monitor any conditions that occur in the area.

“This year we also have invested for CCTV in the perimeter area, so total number of CCTV to 42 units. Hopefully this can support efforts to improve security and of course of service to service users.” said Handy Heryudhitiawan.

The security supporting equipments will certainly be better if it is supported by checking the personnel directly. Aviation Security personnel in this regard on a regular basis conduct checks or patrols in the Syamsudin Noor Airport environment especially along the restricted security area at the airport.