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Minimizing the effects of Fog, Syamsudin Noor Airport Give Free Masker

17 Oct 2014

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Banjarbaru - The fog that has covered some areas of Syamsudin Noor Airport made it unhealthy for people to breathe. Accordingly, Syamsudin Noor Airport Management gave free maskers to all passengers landing in Banjarmasin at 16/10.

This activity lasted for three hours starting from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The maskers were given to the passengers of Kalstar (Solo), Citilink & Lion Air (Jakarta).

It was a form of care of Angkasa Pura Management to all passengers. It is expected that this activity help societies, especially the passengers to avoid the bad effects of fog, particularly upon Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URI. (Gina Rizky)